A Conspiracy of SilenceThere is no Corporate Law.“A company can rig its profits to whatever level it wants. By paying out to shareholders, by buying new assets, by transferring money offshore, by inflating wages, expenses & pensions for its employees & directors.” CapitalismThe stock exchange and the banks cannot function in a static world economy.They always expect to be in an expanding financial system. And that the whole basis of Capitalism comes from the expansion provided by new markets. And that it was this expansion which previously covered up all the fraud. Because no one cared enough, or was careful enough to eradicate fraud Or even make laws to govern the world economy & the stock exchange As long as it appeared to be working. And now that it isn’t working, Governments are too frightened to regulate the banks & the financial markets In case they get the blame for making it worse. So the banks keep crying about their “black hole.” ![]() They are skimming more money out of the static consumer base of UK households. eg energy, water. And investing in new markets in Asia & China. Secondly, the banks and all the other financial institutions who are crying poverty Have for years been asset stripping their own companies to make them safe from aggressive takeovers. This means that all their wealth is hidden overseas in tax havens in umbrella companies. So the banks & financial institutions are actually sitting on trillions as they sit and watch the UK government rob the electorate & their children of their wealth. And they refuse to repay their debt to society & don’t care if it causes street wars. But the solution would be to adapt to the situation And not to keep trying to push the world economy into another cycle of futile expansion. But to use international law enforcement agencies to aggressively close down the tax havens, Confiscate hidden assets & impose high penalties of 50% on tax avoiders. Clear the Sovereign debts & start again, creating a legal financial system Based on honesty, equality & fairness. ![]() The EU StateThe EU was supposedly created to stop war in Europe,But it looks like it is going to cause it if it doesn’t protect the electorate from this continuing scenario of multi tiered fraud. Fraud from the politicians, the stock exchange, the justice system & the world economy. “A company can rig its profits to whatever level it wants. By paying out to shareholders, by buying new assets, by transferring money offshore, by inflating wages, expenses & pensions for its employees & directors. It can use specialist accountants in tax avoidance & Queens Counsel to avoid litigation.” Without law, there is no trust. Without trust, there is no law. The bond has been broken between The People & The State. ![]() A Conspiracy of SilenceThe only thing stopping the UK economy from contracting by 30%Is the financial disinformation being propagated by the BBC, They have pulled Panorama programmes on Libor. They have pulled programmes on the silver standard. They have failed completely to inform & educate on City of London fraud. They are propping up a failed system & allowing the City of London to continue skimming UK assets and move the money offshore. They are accomplices in the massive financial fraud being perpetrated on the British public, By withholding information & concealing City of London Fraud. The question is, why should the people in Europe & the UK Have to take a cut of 30% on their wages To rebalance a financial system that the rich and powerful have destroyed with their own fraud & greed. ![]() Return to Main Page