
January 2012

The Labyrinth

The reason that our minds find it so difficult to resolve issues is that they are not allowed enough time to work properly.
People currently tend to be diversified in so many different directions and with so many different distractions.
That the mind is never allowed the simple peace and quiet to dissect & assimilate its own thoughts.
And put on top of this the daily anguish of anxiety, the common impositions of work,
Family responsibilities and social status expectations,
We find a mind in turmoil with no way out.
Just a few moments or at best half an hour a day of quiet,
Just to let the mind balance itself,
Is enough to calm and allow some perceptions to progress.

September 2010


Many kinds of common psychological problems are well known among mental health professionals.
They have an attitude of long term treatment and not actually confronting and curing the issues.
When dealing with mental health issues psychologists tend to think that patients will be unable to
understand basic psychology so they embark and extensive counselling to enlighten the subject to the problems
within their life situation.
Even after a year’s counselling, where a therapist has formed an informed and knowledgeable idea
of the patient and their problems, they will not submit an evaluation of the problems to the patient.
If counselling ends, they quite often just offer a few minor suggestions about maintaining mental barriers
and raising self esteem and leave the patient to drift on through life.
The whole thing about mental health professionals withholding information & education from the public is generally unhelpful.

Diagnosis and Treatment.

Most conventional NHS treatment for mental health issues involve anti depressants and a period of counselling.
Resources are rationalised, so a counselling course would last for about ten one hour sessions.
Patients with serious issues, who wanted to continue treatment, would have to pay for their
own treatment which would show little improvement after two years.
This would be negated if the life situation was continued. (as seems likely)

NHS/ mental health ethics prevent any pro active involvement in a patient’s life.
This also stretches to the point where they will not explain a situation that could destabilise a family
even if it would lead to a change and improvement in their lives.
Theoretically it would be more constructive to tell people what the problem is and give them a chance
to sign up for treatment and help.

Society’s fear of mental health issues and in particular the stigmatism attached to depression has led to an
inability to confront any of the normal everyday mental health issues which the population faces.
This then leads to a mass of concealed unresolved issues which could have quite easily been dealt with.

Self Confidence

The most common issue in mental health is low self esteem.
This is quite often a childhood issue which has been left unresolved.
It could result from family problems or the inability of schools to accept children as whole people
who should also be educated on emotional intelligence, mind control and morality issues.

You do not have to do a two year course with a shrink to cure low self esteem.
You have to be willing to help yourself and sign up for some hypnosis.
The target for turning round a situation using hypnotherapy is one to three months.
It is also possible with a little guidance to re-educate people to help themselves with self-hypnosis.
When self confidence issues are addressed the improvement in a patients mental health
allows them a new awareness to deal with and resolve other issues.
The problem of low self esteem lies in the continuance of anxiety and depression which further complicates life issues.


Hypnosis is used by therapists for mind training.
The patient has to be willing to participate and has to have some trust in the person they
are being trained by.
The skill which the patient is aiming for is the ability to control their own mind.
This is not as difficult as you might think.
Simply put, it is getting the little voice in your head to stop being negative and to
help you evolve a positive attitude to yourself, your day and your future.

Self Hypnosis

Patients who wish to take control of their lives can get involved in pro active healing
With the use of self hypnosis audio cd’s and downloads.

Health Part 2

Psychological Warfare.

People in relationships who indulge in psychological warfare are sometimes not expressing a direct confrontation with the current issue.
Quite often they are re fighting battles which they have been damaged
by during their childhood or early relationships.
Therefore the whole issue which they are confronting cannot be resolved as the current issue
is just a fob which covers some previous problems buried in their subconscious.

Low Self Confidence

Also known as low self esteem.
People with low self confidence sometimes also suffer from anxiety and depression.
They quite often surround themselves with other people who are similarly affected
so they create a “safe” haven where they do not have to confront their problems.
People with low self esteem sometimes use their negativity to devalue and undermine others,
even their friends & family.
Seeing the bad in others makes them feel less inferior.


Depression is society’s Achilles heel.
It is scorned by the working society, derided by the healthy and castigated by the media.
Depression is actually a perfectly natural state of mind.
Nobody can expect to go through all the problems in life without feeling depressed about something or other.
The failure of health professionals to acknowledge depression as a natural state of mind
has hindered treatment and exaggerated the complexity of the issue.
There is always a reason for depression.
It can be as simple as general tiredness, the pressure of work or an overindulgent lifestyle.
The Blues is accepted as a normal form of music but not as a form of therapy.
Indulging yourself in sadness can be a natural grieving process and allow you to move on to greater understanding.
Whereas concealing sadness in a false projection of happiness can be ultimately destructive.

Emotional Repression

One of the habitual problems that some people pick up involves emotional repression.
This is a common method of coping with the stress of living in today’s society.
It is a habit that can build up from childhood and manifest itself in many ways.
Schools completely negate emotional intelligence in our children.
Some people find it necessary to shut off their emotions at work to be able to complete
their job where sensitivity is not always welcome.
Anxiety can grow from a sense of failure at work or in relationships.
Families can pass on habitual emotional repression to their children.
Traumatic life events can trigger an emotional shut down.
There is also a historic legacy still affecting families with relatives who grew up after
the Second World War or in Victorian England with its regime of emotional and sexual repression.

Emotional repression leads to broken relationships, failed marriages and damaged children.
It is both a symptom and a cause of some of the malaise in our society.

Feeding the habit
The avoidance of emotional pain can take many forms.
It is generally accepted that food will provide a sense of well being and form a substitute for love.
Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are also used by many as a release from pain, anxiety & stress.
The Abdominal Chakra balances our food/sex/emotional equilibrium.
It is therefore possible that by overindulging we are shutting off our emotional tap.
The cure for emotional repression is usually found in the alternate therapies of Shiatsu, aromatherapy massage,
Reiki and counselling, The identification and release of the body Chakras is not something to be found within the realms of the NHS.


Transference is where the subconscious mind transfers past emotional conflicts into the present and projects them onto another person.
For instance a female child may have deep unresolved resentment to abandonment by their father and then
transfers the blame onto to their current partner.

It is defined as the subconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another.
The inappropriate repetition in the present of a relationship that was important in a person's childhood.
Sometimes described as a reproduction of emotions relating to repressed experiences from childhood and then
substituting them on another person.

During transference, people hit an emotional time warp.
A nerve is struck when someone says or does something that reminds them of their past and they
transfer their emotional past and their psychological needs into the present.

Trauma Abuse

Trauma abuse is a form of psychological abuse.
While psychological abuse is probably something we all do to each other at various times and bounce out of it.
Trauma abuse is far deeper in its levels of emotional and mental destruction.


High anxiety,depression, negative self esteem, manic guilt,
sleep deprivation, fear, paranoia, dysfunctional.

Families can unknowingly create a circle of abuse where they inflict on each other their learnt Trauma Abusive ways.
Trauma Abuse is also inflicted on new partners and latterly the children’s new partners.
The continual state of high anxiety, low self confidence, and paranoia is now assumed to be caused by acute emotional exhaustion.


Scapegoating is the practice of singling out one child or member of a family for unmerited negative treatment or blame.
Directing everyone else’s attention to this persons failings acts as a diversion from their own.

The Mirror

The things that you see in others are often a reflection of the things that are familiar within yourself
Similarly, the faults that you criticise other people for are often a reflection of the failings you dislike in yourself.

The Mask

The mask is the personality people use to project themselves to the world and also to protect themselves from others.
Problems arise when they cannot remove the mask during personal relationships.

Addictive Personality

Lack of love, care & attention during childhood can lead to a lack of balance in later life.
This may display itself in one of the more usual addictions to nicotine, food, sex or alcohol.
But also in this category lies love addiction where the person feels a need to develop intense unhealthy
attachments to their partner which hinders individual growth within the relationship.
This is often repeated throughout the person’s lifetime.


Boundaries are necessary in developing healthy relationships both in the home and at work.
Allowing people to dominate or overwhelm your space whether it be physical or psychological can be intimidating.
A person with low self esteem may find that they lack any knowledge of personal boundaries at all as they have grown up in a family with none.
Personal self respect and a clear understanding of your life values should be protected at all times.

Health Part 3

Nervous Breakdown: The Reassessment Theory

The nervous breakdown is one of the most feared of all mental diseases.
People suffering in this way are described in many ways.
Sometimes as people who have who have lost their mind or gone insane,
Conventional medical practice is to treat people with therapy, sleeping pills, antidepressants,
psychotropic medication or even a stay in a mental hospital.
The whole NHS treatment of a “breakdown” reinforces the patient with the idea that they are “ill.”
Nervous breakdowns are not an illness, they are the minds natural attempt to sort out
historical memories & rebalance itself.
The main problem arises because the mind needs time to go through this evaluation & healing process.
Our society does not allow time for this, so one or several “quick fixes” are used.

When people lose control of their minds they become frightened and resort to short term measures.
If they cannot resolve their problems themselves they may resort to drugs or alcohol to get through the day.
It is now assumed that these mental periods of insanity are not actually a nervous breakdown but a person’s individual period of mental reassessment.
Sometimes these mental reassessments are triggered by life events which may not even be traumatic in themselves.
Normal mental reassessments are continually going on in the subconscious mind as it approaches every new day.
But occasionally the mind is faced with confusion & disorder as it attempts to evaluate an unexpected situation.
It will then dig deep into its historical experiences & memories searching for the solution.
During this period of self analysis the patient may become irrational,
unable to continue with their normal life/work pattern & communicate abnormal thoughts & ideas.

Our inability to isolate ourselves from others also becomes a problem here.
A close personal relationship could intrude into the natural healing process as could normal family life.
Also our ongoing natural dependence on the logical assessments made by our conscious mind
can turn our brains into a battle field where the conscious & the subconscious mind are actually fighting each other for control.

Alternate therapists allude to the fact that reprogramming the subconscious mind can take 40 days.
This is not dissimilar to the period of meditation suggested by Yoga teachers for cleansing the mind or the period of isolation required by Buddhists, Moses & Reiki practitioners.
So trying to attain a “quick fix” is ultimately self destructive because resorting to drugs or alcohol can actually extend this period indefinitely.

Mental reassessments can be completed in anything from a few days to a month when the patient is given the necessary guidance.
This guidance will probably involve alternate therapies offering; counselling, relaxation, massage, and meditation.

Recommended Reading:

Boundaries & Relationships      Charles L. Whitfield
Is it Love or Addiction Brenda Schaeffer
Heal Thyself Dr Edward Bach
Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics Henry Lindlahr
Reiki & The Seven Chakras Richard Ellis
Empowerment Through Reiki Paula Horan