The Blog
November 2010
Terrorism & Human Rights
The most glaringly obvious failing of the Human Rights Act is that it promotes individual rights above Democratic principles.As a philosophical document the Human Rights Act destroys the Democratic foundations of hundreds of years of the British Constitution..
It overrides the wishes of the electorate and the fundamental basis of British law and justice.
In a Democratic election, the individual gives up their ‘individual rights’ to be represented by a collective champion (MP).
If that MP ignores the wishes (and individual rights) of a million people to uphold the rights of one person, that is Democracy Destroyed.
So the Human Rights Act has created a liberal left agenda where one terrorist can be protected to the detriment and security considerations of the general Democratic population.
This liberalising cancer has now spread across our armed forces, the police and our security services making them answerable to the Human Rights Act for their actions and punishable for doing their jobs properly.
The basic misapprehension here is the denial of our part in evolution. We are in fact still animals and as such are subject to the laws of the jungle; kill or be killed.
These people (armed forces) are protecting our society and our beliefs. If we destroy their ability to fight for us then we are leaving ourselves open to defeat.
In a time when the political elite has sold our country to the highest bidder,
Where the political establishment has deemed it good policy to import millions of cheap workers from abroad, (never mind the consequences).
Where multiculturalism has been foisted on us as a “norm” in place of our own British culture.
Where an estimated 3,000 radicalised Muslims live among us waiting for Jihad.
When the most dangerous fanatic the world has ever known (Amhadinerjad) is deploying his agents across Europe for retribution.
Is this really a good time to promote the Human Rights of Terrorists?
Let alone pay them millions of pounds in compensation for the infringement of their Human Rights.
October 2010
According to Newsnight 30/09/10 the banks and the stock exchange have moved on from gambling with our money to using computerised Algorithms.Algorithms are used in a many computer software applications for processing data and solving problems.
Algorithms are used by the banks to analyse input data and use it to predict/alter stock exchange buy/sell prices.
If the input data is inaccurate the programme will fail.
This is what actually happened on May 6th 2010 when the US stock market crashed 10% in three minutes causing worldwide panic.
So many financial analysis computers are now using algorithms that they are interacting and creating ‘false positives.’
This is because they are linking output data from one algorithm to input & alter another.
This causes a chain reaction.
In an attempt to predict and analyse data accurately the banks have now actually created an unstable surreal virtual economic model.
The world economy is now poised on a thread as the geeks skim the profits ignoring the risks and the eventual consequences.
Ofwat Supports South West Water £2B Fraud
Ofwat the regulator in charge of supervising the water industry has come out in support of South West Water’s profiteering and off shore asset concealment.SWW who last year over charged each of its customers in the South West an average of £200 have no competition from other companies.
Customers were incredulous to hear that Offwat had written a letter in support of South West Waters pricing and surcharge policy.
South West Water had special consideration given to its installation plan for new sewage sea outfalls in 1994 which was completed in 1999 (Clean Sweep)
The surcharge for this work is still being paid for by SWW customers ten years later.
It has since completed a pipe relining programme which no other water company in Britain has yet attempted.
All this work has now been completed and yet the surcharge giving SWW customers the highest water bills in the country still remains in place.
Ofwat staff are recruited from the water industry.
September 2010
Political Deception
The Labour Party, The Unions, The Public Service show no remorse for their part in the downfall of the British economy.No signs on contrition, no admittance of responsibility. Complete denial.
But isn’t it time that everyone pulled together to save this country.
Should they really still be playing political football, party political jibing, and egotistical posturing?
Political deception is a dangerous game to play in a time of recession.
While the country lay in ruin.
BBC Strike
The BBC Strike action planned by the unions will infringe the broadcaster’s charter of political independence and allow licence fee payers exemption from court action.This action will effectively decriminalise the licence fee which every receiver in Britain has to pay by law.
Abuse of Power
The unions threaten coordinated strike action in support of public service redundancies.Not content with the destruction of the country by the last Labour government, which they financed.
They now pick up the mantel of Abusive Power, so expertly wielded by GB,
to bring the country even more destruction and fragmentation.
No doubt we will see the continuation of Union power when they try to stir up class war and racial tensions because they think they’re right.
But the hidden agenda is a doctrine straight out of the Karl Marx book of politics.
Destroy democratic principles, create anarchy and from the ashes of destruction create a Marxist state.
BT Contracts Invalid
The propsed BT line rental price increase has had unintended consequences.They now find that all their customer contracts are invalid because of the alteration to charges.
July 2010
Unions Abandon the Working Class
A very strange thing has happened.There is a re-alignment in the political landscape;
The Unions now represent the Public Service Bureaucrats.
The Tory/Lib government now represents "the electorate"
The Labour Party represents the professional fantasists.
And the workers on the dole are totally unrepresented.
Do we see the Unions abandoning their high morals for the steady gratis from the Public Servants
And a pointless battle with the government on every issue?
Alcoholics Unanimous
It has been impossible to watch the political machinations of the past few years without wondering about the sanity of the people running this country.The attempted creation of a politically correct society, the law courts supporting terrorists' human rights, the media creating a swine flu epidemic that never existed.
The Prime Minister giving the banks £500 billion of our taxes without any accounting strategy
And now the BBC has come up with a £2b deficit in its pension pot.
It makes you wonder what sort of warped education our universities have given these people.
But then a reassuring realisation becomes apparent.
The powerbrokers, movers and shakers in; high finance, politics, the public service, business, industry and the media are all binge drinkers.
Their warped rational for ruining the country is all based on muddled drunken judgment.
The sad fact is that high technology & stress did not cause this massive miscalculation in western civilisations future. The simple fact is just that,
London, is well pissed.
June 2010
Council Tax - Unsustainable
The relative cost of council tax and utility bills to the state pension is unsustainable.The maths just does not add up.
So the coalition wants us to give them feedback on the cuts.Well here we go then;
1. Get back half of the money GB paid to the banks in a windfall tax.
2. Nationalise the Northern Rock and give it this money to pay out loans to British businesses without off shore accounts.
3. Let Northern Rock provide house mortgages at 8% fixed.
4. Split the banks into separate high street, commercial, & investment banks.
5. Cut all public sector pensions by 10%
6. Cut all public sector budgets by 10%
7. Raise the public sector retirement age to 67
8. Stop public sector double dipping now.
9. Change the law to make companies and councils liable for prosecution for issuing fraudulent accounts.
10. Cut public sector expense claims by 20%
11. Go back to our original refuse collections
12. Cut back on construction industry regulation.
13. Prosecute fraudulent bankers and remove their licences to operate.
We expect nothing less
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the next war in the Middle East was started by a load of pacifists and the self opinionated British media.Mobile Broadband 3G
Top mobile broadband supplier Vodaphone boasts a 8Mb connection speed but the actual speeds are absolutely dire.Most of the time below 100Kb and unable to load a page.
Treason & Justice
No politicians to be prosecuted for the expenses fraudsNo bankers to be prosecuted for the banking fraud
No public servants to be prosecuted for bankrupting the country
No Prime Minister to be prosecuted for gross financial incompetence
3 million members of the public prosecuted for parking & speeding.
May 2010
Welfare to Work
There's still a lot of confusion over the benefits issue.While the debate seems to centre on "lazy job-shirkers," the
people on permanent sickness benefit and kicking them off the dole.
Its all propaganda. The problems are varied and increasing.
While todays job market/money orientated work environment is making people very ill in many different ways.
Keeping people healthy and at work does not seem to be a priorority for anyone.
The fact that there is no work for those looking for jobs has been ignored.
And of course the fact that government mismanagement put another five million out of work
Is an elephhant sized ommission.
While these polarising digressions continue there will never be a chance to be able
to have a real debate on the deeper issues.
Where Has All The Money Gone?
Maybe somebody could explain what actually happened to the £500 billion that was given to the banks.Is it a coincidence that the RICH LIST have profited by 33% over the past year.
Is this where the money went?
To stop the Rich from loosing their assets?
With every household in Britain supposedly in debt
Wouldn't it have been better for the workers if the banks had crashed.
And then we would have lost our debts.
The Election
It was such a relief for everyone that GB eventually accepted defeat and removed himself from office.Now at last we hope that we will have our country run by someone with intelligence and fortitude.
The damage wreaked by this unelected Scotsman has been immense.
Not only to the country but to the whole psychology of the nation.
Hopefully, we will now be able to sit back and relax with the thought that the country is at last in safe hands.
Speed Camera Unit
The Sheriff of Nottingham has sent out his nasty bastard soldiers to collect TAXES from the local population.Not content with the usual constabulary he has commissioned his own personal tax gatherers by press ganging cheap local labour from the jobcentre, armed forces etc.
He then sends them off in undercover vehicles with long distance telescopic video cameras which are parked illegally on the safest roads where people tend to speed up their vehicles.
These cameras are not operated by the police but by "police staff"
The Sheriff of Nottingham needs lots of taxes to pay for his misdeeds and to keep happy his army of public servants who are stealing the wealth of the population with their inflated wages & general greed.
He has no consideration for the fact that half the population are old age pensioners, & 20% of the population are unemployed both being unable to pay for the public service taxes.
Some think he is trying to get everyone outside of his politburo off the roads.
The speed camera unit in Plymouth issued 31,554 "notices of intended prosecution" from 01/04/2009 - 31/03/2010
With a potential tax yield of £1,893,240.
If you multiply this by the number of other units in the country you then get an idea of the scale of this highway robbery.
This is yet another example of how our corrupt political elite have used our money to buy the latest technology to rob us, impoverish us and control the population.